
Friday 22 October 2010

character set keyframer

wrote this script this morning so it is still in the test phase (and gui layout etc). Basically the idea is that if you have an animation rig with a character set but no GUI this can be a stand in.

It also allows you to key (and remove key) from multiple character sets at once (which is nice).
The reset character button needs care as it might reset aspects of your character to zero that you don't want (IK/FK switches for example).
The reset selection only works on translate / scale / rotation /visibility of a selected object so is safer. It will ignore locked and unkeyable items.I am working on fixing the reset character button but character sets handle data in a different way.
just source the script then run ch_keyer(); in the script editor (for some reason it is not working at the script prompt???)
There will be an updated version soon with comments in the code etc.
Hope it is of some use.